Position and Organization
Co-Founder of EPEA Brasil
Associated Consultant at GEOCIDADES
Senior Advisor at CEP-AMERICAS

Fields of Expertise: Circular Economy, Eco-innovation, Sustainable Construction, Urban Metabolism, Cradle to Cradle® design
Alexandre has been a pioneer in the Circular Economy and Cradle to Cradle® in Brazil for the last decade, with global recognition of his expertise and broad experience of work in multidisciplinary and international teams. He dedicated the past years in field research in urban design, supply chain, policy analysis and the social impacts of the Circular Economy to the Sustainable Development of Cities in Brazil. He has great experience in training organizations teams and leaders to design innovative strategies for transitioning to a Circular Economy.
Some of the experiences are:
Senior Advisor on Circular Economy for the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) project: "Defining Blue and Circular Development Elements for the Sustainability of the Islands and Generating Project Ideas" for the Caribbean region.
Developed the Theory of Change proposal to the internalization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), for the Forum of Presidents of the Architecture and Urbanism Council of Brazil.
Has coordinated and developed the advocacy research for Tearfund: "Closing the Cycle: Benefits of the Circular Economy for Developing Countries and Emerging Economies", which investigated different models of potentially circular supply chains in Brazil. Has idealized the methodology and managed the work partnership between the NGO and the Research Center in Logistics Networks and Supply, NuReS, at the Production Engineering Course of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC
Has collaborated in the idelizaton of a 'Institute of Circular Economy' for Logistics and Transport in the State of Santa Catarina, carried out by NuReS, UFSC.
Technical consultant invited to guide the idealization of the 'Program of Circular Economy' in Participative Urban Planning of the city of São José - SC.
Developed the program # SCpos2015 and an Advocacy Guide to the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development when he was the Institutional Director of the Institute of Architects of Brazil, Santa Catarina, IAB-SC (2014-2016).
International speaker on Circular Economy, with special emphasis on lectures at the Circular Economy Forum in Medellín (2017) and Santiago (2018), and the IDB side event at the Caribbean Water and Sewage Association Forum (2018), SmartCities EXPO (2019), CeLogFGV (2019).
Invited to write the Preface in the book Cradle to Cradle: Remake the way we make things, by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, to Brazilian edition.
Technical Reviewer for the Brazilian version of the publication "Cities as Trees, Buildings as Forests - Cradle to Cradle Guide for Projects in the Built Environment" by Braungart and Mulhall.
Alexandre has degree in Architecture and Urban planning, Professional Master in Eco-nnovation Management and MSc degree in Bio-climatics to Civil Construction. He was teacher and a researcher at University of Architecture for 5+ years. His mother language is Portuguese, speaks and writes fluently in English, and speaks fluently Spanish.