The circular economy:
a way for businesses to tackle the triple bottom line
This is a training program for citizens who wish to be "agents of sustainable change" to achieve cultural transformation of consumption patterns and lifestyles of people towards healthier, more efficient, responsible, ethical and informed decisions. These change agents are able to inspire, mobilize and educate their local communities.
29 - 30 NOV 2017 | MEDELLIN - COLOMBIA

Circular Economy Forum of the Americas CEFA2017
The Circular Economy Forum of the Americas, CEFA, is the largest gathering of individuals, companies, NGOs, academia and governments of the Americas to discuss the needs, challenges and opportunities to promote and facilitate the transition to a Circular Economy (CE) in the American continent. CEFA's first version took place in the beautiful city of Medellin, Colombia.
Feria Latinoamericana de Eco-Productos y Eco-Servicios
This event seeked to update and generate knowledge to enhance productivity in organizations, as well as improving the quality of life of people throguh responsible production and consumption systems. The Circular Economy was one of the central themes.
CSCB Sustainability Forum
The circular economy is one of the most innovative and creative production models, and was the subject of debate during the CSCB Sustainability Forum. The event was held on August 11 in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, at Feevale University.
Foro Economía Circular
With a holistic approach, this forum discussed the role of enterprises, governments and consumers in the transition towards a Circular Economy in Colombia.
Conference on “Circular Economy”
During this conference, special speakers based in Évora (EvoraTech by ADRAL), Lisbon (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) and Rio de Janeiro (Candido Mendes University) were invited to address the main challenges for the development of circular economy strategies and share successful experiences on the implementation of initiatives at the local level so that, young entrepreneurs aimed at developing sustainable initiatives are better informed, have access to knowledge and experience mutual learning.
Fira Barcelona Mexico
Smart Cities Expo LATAM
A Circular Economy Session was held within Smart Cities Expo LATAM to disccuss how a paradigm change towards circular economy can help to create smart and sustainable cities.
3rd National Circular Economy Summit
Through inspiring keynote speakers, interactive small group discussions, deep dive workshops, and networking opportunities—this was an unparalleled opportunity for professionals in the sustainability field. Participants explored the ideas, innovations, technologies, and partnerships needed to leverage value adding circular economy strategies and principles that enables business growth, economic prosperity, ecosystem health, and community well-being.
El Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible (CLACDS) del Incae Business School, el Banco Interamericano para el Desarrollo (BID) y FOMIN
Economía Circular:
Oportunidades para Costa Rica y otros países de América Latina y el Caribe”
The aim of this event was raising awareness about the need of a circular economy transition among different opinion leaders of Costa Rica and broader region.
17 JAN 2017 | CURACAO
Circular Economy Towards Mitigating Climate Change
The Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre (BDDC) hosted a Workshop on Circular Economy towards Mitigating Climate Change on May 5, 2017 in Guelph. The focus of the workshop was on deriving value-added products from waste.
11 APRIL 2017 | ARUBA
Circular Economy Principles Basics Seminar:

Why Circular Economy is important for the Future
Understanding Circular Economy
This half day seminar aims at introducing, discussing, and learning what the Circular Economy principles are and how these could be applied to a island economy. Different case studies will be presented and discussed in which businesses have applied the Cradle to Cradle®, Closed Looped Cycle Production, and other compatible innovation management methods and approaches to facilitate the transition toward realizing circular business models.
17 JAN 2017 | CURACAO
Circular Fashion Learning Day
The Fashion Positive Circular Fashion Learning Day was a learning and networking-focused day with lectures, discussion and facilitated group work covering the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ approach to circular fashion with focus on circular materials and design for circularity.
17 JAN 2017 | CURACAO
Dale una vuelta! Economía Circular
The Fashion Positive Circular Fashion Learning Day was a learning and networking-focused day with lectures, discussion and facilitated group work covering the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ approach to circular fashion with focus on circular materials and design for circularity.
17 JAN 2017 | CURACAO
Circular Business Development Workshop:

A Circular approach to Business
Why Circular Economy is the Solution for the Future
Participants will benefit from learning about what Circular Economy is, gather insights of the international trends of the Circular Economy development and applications, what Cradle to Cradle® design principles and Closed Looped Cycle Thinking are and how this empowers circular business development, and finally how to start contextualizing these to the local and regional business reality.