Position: Associate Consultant
Organization: Systematic Innovation UK

Fields of Expertise: Circular Economy metrics, Continuous Improvement projects, Business Development, Technology & Innovation Consulting.
Percy is an Industrial Engineer with ten years of experience in commercial and project management areas in the Ecotourism, Hospitality and Manufacturing sectors. In 2010 he was part of the production team of the Book and DVD ‘Ese Eja Myths, Rainforest and Culture’, a cultural and conservation project that was made in association with the Native Community of Infierno from the amazon rainforest of Peru with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) and the Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos de Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain). In 2014 he completed an MSc in Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Bath (UK) where he developed an interest for the Circular Economy topic that lead him to a dissertation and journal publications about product circularity assessment.